Friday, June 13, 2008

Three cheers for five years

Tomorrow we're throwing a suprise birthday party for my sister so I spent the day cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. Not so much FUN. That pretty much consumed my day.

Tonight was good, though. It's funny how you don't realize how much you miss certain people in your life till you see them again. Spending time with the Hopatcong kids was incredibley overdue. We gathered at Louie's for a nice little bonfire and smores :)! Fantasticcccc.

It was especially good to talk to Alyssa in the car. We had about a ten minute car ride to Lou's but we covered some serious subject matter. She's like the devils advocat to anything. She can understand why I do something when everyone else tells me it's stupid. She does this thing, like a friend should do, where she says it like it is, but knows to respect how I may feel about a subject and tries to avoid hurting me in the process.

When someone wants to give me 'constructive criticism' I think it should be delivered with respect and not leave me upset to the point where I want to cry. It's hard enough to tell someone the truth about something, but if it's that personal, I feel like such harsh remarks can be delivered in a softer way to get the point across, but not completely demean the person. It was pretty hard to fall asleep last night.

I demand honesty, but I expect respect.

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