Sunday, August 31, 2008


I've totally forgotten this thing existed till about twenty minutes ago. I was so good at updating this too! The thing is, I haven't been doing anything since that last time I posted on here so there really isn't an excuse for me. I've been working a whole hell of a lot but to be honest I actually really like my job at Victoria's Secret. I don't mind going to work. Who'da thunk? Oh and I wonder who's caught on to the title of every blog I write is a song... lol.

School starts this weeeeeeeeeeeek. blah. I'm eager to get back into school. It'll keep my mind off everything. At this point everything is just losing fuel. I've kind of given up on people and things and thats just not like me. I guess my hope never really existed in the first place then? I dont know. It probably did I'm just being dramatic.

I can't seem to figure out why its so easy for me to give up all hope right now. I have no idea why I'm so eager to say fuck it and move on. I've exhausted my resources and it's a sort of hopeless feeling that I hate to possess. I mean here's my point: why act like I give a fuck when no one else does. If you're not gonna believe in me why the hell should I believe in you. If you're not gonna care about me then why am I wasting my time worrying about you. Reality is harsh. Honestly = Brutality. Attention has no measurement. Affection should be legitamate.

Would it ever change my mind?

Ant I'm glad you're here.

This time everything is gonna be alright
the dangerous summer.

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