Monday, October 13, 2008


A lot has been changing, and I couldn't be happier. Lot's of school work, crazy hours at work, and the few and loyal <3 I'm content with that.

Since I constantly write about how I lose people from my life, this time is a bit different. Two of the most insanely least likely people to ever walk back into my life, are here. The two people that crushed my heart and spirit worse than anyone are back and I'm very okay with that. It's taken two years for one, and a few months for the other but when the light shines this brightly on a situation, you can't shut it out. He took virtually everything he could from me - she held my hand and put the knife in my back but I was the stubborn and selfish one.

If someone wants to be in your life, they're gonna show you. Two individuals, the two I held closest to my heart can't muster up the strength to give me some time. It's with this realization that made accepting others back into my life all the more easier because strangely enough, these two individuals shared similar slots with the others. That realization hit... just now, lol. I now get why it hurt so bad, and how it's so easy to let this go.

You can move along your own road, happy birthday and good riddance.
You can enjoy your strong four walls, fake ID's and fake people.
I'm done with you both

Birthday in 13, fun starts in 10 :) <33333
I sincerely love my friends

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